I never met a single person who didn’t like this dish! Pinky swear!

There’s something inherently comforting about a dish that involves minimal fuss but delivers maximum flavor. One such dish is the Easy Potatoes Foil Packet, a versatile recipe that’s perfect for both oven and grill cooking. This dish not only brings out the natural sweetness and creaminess of potatoes but also provides an opportunity to infuse the flavors of butter and seasonings in a way that’s both efficient and delicious.


The origins of the foil packet meal can be traced back to camping trips, where a simple yet satisfying method of cooking involved wrapping ingredients in foil and tossing them on a campfire. These meals were a staple for many outdoor enthusiasts, offering both convenience and flavor in a compact package. Over time, this technique has been adapted for home kitchens, turning into a beloved recipe that can be easily prepared in the oven or on the grill.


My first experience with foil packet meals was during a family camping trip. My uncle, the designated camp chef, would create these magical foil packets, which would be left on the hot coals while we enjoyed the evening around the campfire. The smell of sizzling potatoes, mingled with the aroma of butter and onions, would always signal that dinner was ready. The simplicity of the meal was matched only by its delightful taste, and that experience has stayed with me ever since. Now, making foil packet meals at home brings back those cherished memories of outdoor cooking and family gatherings.




6 potatoes


1 onion


6 tablespoons of butter


Salt and pepper to taste


For Oven Cooking


Preheat Your Oven

Start by preheating your oven to 375°F (190°C). This temperature is ideal for cooking the potatoes evenly and ensuring that they become tender without burning.


Prepare the Potatoes and Onion

Peel the potatoes and slice them into 1/4-inch thick pieces. The uniform thickness ensures even cooking. Thinly slice the onion as well. These slices will add flavor and texture to the dish.


Prepare the Foil Sheets

Cut aluminum foil into large squares, enough to create a packet for each serving. Grease the foil lightly to prevent sticking and to make cleanup easier.


Assemble the Packets

On each greased foil sheet, arrange a layer of potato slices followed by a layer of onion slices. Season with salt and pepper to taste. For added richness, place 1 tablespoon of butter on top of the vegetables.


Seal the Packets

Fold the sides of the foil over the potatoes and onions, then fold the ends to create a tightly sealed packet. This will keep all the steam and flavors locked inside as the packets cook.


Bake the Packets

Place the sealed packets on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes. Check for doneness by carefully opening one packet (be cautious of the steam) and testing the tenderness of the potatoes with a fork.



Once the potatoes are tender and the onions are caramelized, remove the packets from the oven. Let them cool for a few minutes before opening. Serve the foil packet meals hot, straight from the foil or onto a plate.


For Grilling


Prepare the Grill

Preheat your grill to medium-high heat. This will ensure that the packets cook evenly and develop a delicious charred flavor.


Prepare the Potatoes and Onion

Follow the same steps as for oven cooking: peel and slice the potatoes and thinly slice the onion.


Prepare the Foil Sheets

Cut and grease the aluminum foil as described above, preparing it for grilling.


Assemble the Packets

Arrange the potato and onion slices on each foil sheet. Season with salt and pepper and top with butter. Seal the packets tightly.


Grill the Packets

Place the foil packets on the grill. Grill over medium-high heat for 30-40 minutes, flipping the packets halfway through to ensure even cooking. Check for doneness by carefully opening one packet and testing the potatoes with a fork.



Once cooked, carefully open the packets to avoid steam burns. Serve the potatoes hot, either directly from the foil or onto a plate.


Variations and Substitutions


Vegetable Add-Ins: Feel free to add other vegetables to your foil packets for extra flavor and nutrition. Bell peppers, mushrooms, and zucchini work well and can be layered with the potatoes and onions.


Cheese: For a cheesy twist, sprinkle some shredded cheese on top of the potatoes before sealing the foil packets. Cheddar, mozzarella, or Parmesan can add a delightful meltiness.


Herbs and Spices: Customize the flavor with your favorite herbs and spices. Fresh rosemary, thyme, or dill can be added for a burst of herbal freshness. A dash of paprika or garlic powder can also enhance the flavor profile.


Meat Additions: If you’d like to make this a heartier meal, you can add cooked sausage slices, bacon bits, or even diced chicken to the foil packets. Adjust the cooking time if adding raw meat to ensure it’s thoroughly cooked.


Low-Fat Option: For a lighter version, reduce or omit the butter. You can use a light cooking spray or olive oil instead. Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for butter, adding a tangy flavor.




The Easy Potatoes Foil Packet recipe is more than just a method of cooking; it’s a celebration of simplicity and flavor. Whether you’re cooking in the oven or on the grill, this dish brings the best out of potatoes with minimal effort. The foil packet technique ensures that the potatoes and onions are cooked to perfection, infused with the richness of butter and seasoned just right.


This recipe is not only versatile but also perfect for any occasion, whether you’re having a casual weeknight dinner, preparing a meal for a family gathering, or enjoying a summer barbecue. Its ease of preparation and cleanup make it a favorite for busy cooks and outdoor enthusiasts alike.


By customizing the ingredients and adding your personal touch, you can make this dish truly your own. The ability to adapt it to different tastes and preferences ensures that it will remain a beloved part of your recipe collection. Enjoy the delightful flavors of Easy Potatoes Foil Packet, and savor the joy of a meal that’s as comforting as it is delicious.

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