Just Add Coca-Cola to the Flour and the Bread Is Ready


To embark on this baking journey, you’ll need:

450 g of flour

1 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of sugar

7 g of dry yeast

250 ml of Coca-Cola

3 tablespoons of sunflower vegetable oil

1 egg (for greasing)


3. Crafting the Dough


Mixing the ingredients is the first step towards creating this delectable bread. Here’s how:


Start by sifting the flour into a bowl.

Add salt, sugar, and dry yeast to the flour and mix thoroughly.

Gradually pour Coca-Cola and vegetable oil into the dry mixture.

Knead the dough until it’s soft and non-sticky.

4. Letting it Rise: The Magic of Fermentation


Once the dough is prepared, it’s time to let it rise and work its magic

Grease a bowl and place the dough inside.

Cover it with cling film and a kitchen towel.

Allow the dough to rise in a warm place for an hour.


5. Shaping the Bread


After the dough has risen, it’s time to shape it into loaves:


Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces.

Roll each piece into thin, oval-shaped cakes.

6. Braiding and Rising


The next step involves braiding the dough and letting it rise once more:


Roll each cake into a roll and then into a string.

Braid the strings together and let the bread rise for 30-40 minutes.


7. Brushing and Baking


Before baking, give the bread a glossy finish:


Beat an egg and brush it over the bread.

Preheat the oven to 190°C and bake the bread for 30-35 minutes.

8. Slicing and Serving


Finally, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor:


Slice the bread and indulge in its soft texture and delightful flavor.


9. Why Coca-Cola?


You might be wondering, why add Coca-Cola to bread? Well, Coca-Cola’s unique sweetness adds a depth of flavor to the bread, resulting in a delightful taste sensation that’s unlike anything you’ve experienced before. Plus, it adds moisture to the dough, ensuring a soft and tender crumb with every bite.

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